Leading Indian comedian and actress Bharti Singh made a video with Bollywood actor Mithan Chakraborty for money. A video of Indian r...
Leading Indian comedian and actress Bharti Singh made a video with Bollywood actor Mithan Chakraborty for money.
A video of Indian reality show 'Hunarbaz Desh Ki Shaan' has been posted in which it can be seen that the show's host Bharti Singh is making a video on a song from the movie 'Pushpa' with Bollywood actor Mithan.
During the video, Mithan is also watching Bharti Singh in amazement and he is busy making the video.
After making the video, Bharti Singh tells actor Mithan, "I will make money from this video and you were my only source of income. I had so much to do with you."
Made a video with Mithan Chakraborty, now I will make money: Bharti Singh |
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