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A large number of people expressed confidence in the Shahbaz government to improve the economy, the survey said

A large number of people have expressed confidence in Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif and the coalition government to improve the economy.   E...

A large number of people have expressed confidence in Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif and the coalition government to improve the economy.


Breaking News, Shahbaz government, the economy. Earlier, in January 2022, the number, In January, Plus Consultant, the population was, the number, MAK NEWS-21,
Earlier, in January 2022, 26% of people were looking at the direction of the economy in the right direction. Photo: File

A new public opinion poll by Plus Consultant has revealed that 33% of people are looking at the direction of the economy. Earlier, in January 2022, 26% of the population was looking in the right direction.


According to the survey, the number of those who think the economy is heading in the wrong direction has come down to 56% after a 14% decline.


In January, 70% of the population believed that the economy was moving in the right direction.

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