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Asian Wrestling Championship, Pakistani wrestler Inam Butt also lost

Pakistani wrestler Anam Butt lost in the Asian Wrestling Championship held in Mongolia.   Inam Butt defeated by Kyrgyz wrestler in quarterfi...

Pakistani wrestler Anam Butt lost in the Asian Wrestling Championship held in Mongolia.


the quarter-final fight, Inam Butt, Asian Wrestling Championship, Pakistani wrestler Inam Butt also lost, Mohammad Bilal, Rehman Musa, Inayatullah, MAK NEWS-21,
Inam Butt defeated by Kyrgyz wrestler in quarterfinal fight / Photofile

Inam Butt was defeated by Kyrgyz wrestlers in the quarter-final fight, after which all three Pakistani wrestlers lost in the Asian Wrestling Championship.


It may be recalled that earlier Pakistani wrestlers Inayatullah and Muhammad Bilal had suffered defeat yesterday.


In the 57kg category, Mohammad Bilal lost to a Korean wrestler, while in the 65kg category, Inayatullah was defeated by Rehman Musa of Iran.

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