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Breaking News: The United States has clearly distanced itself from Pakistan, Admiral Mullen said

Former US military chief Mike Mullen has said the United States has clearly distanced itself from Pakistan, while the White House and the St...

Former US military chief Mike Mullen has said the United States has clearly distanced itself from Pakistan, while the White House and the State Department have denied US involvement in Pakistan politics.


According to the Dawn newspaper, Admiral Mullen, US Army, Pakistan, United States, difficult, Dawn newspaper,  Pakistan-US relations, Kabul, politics, maknews-21,
The United States and Pakistan were close allies during the war on terror and the Cold War - File Photo: AP

According to the Dawn newspaper, in response to a question regarding Pakistan-US relations, Admiral Mullen said that it is difficult, very difficult to say.

Remember that the two were close allies during the war on terror and the Cold War.


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Speaking to VOA Urdu Service this week, he said, "I think over the last decade, we have clearly distanced ourselves from Pakistan and Pakistan is moving under the umbrella of China."

Admiral Mullen was the head of the U.S. military from October 2007 to September 2011, also named in the Memogate controversy that revolves around a memorandum apparently aimed at obtaining U.S. assistance to prevent a horrific military occupation of Pakistan. But that never happened.

He noted that China is not only Pakistan neighbor but also its biggest supporter.

He says "this closeness to China's global goals" is better for him because Beijing would like a neighbor that is closer to him than the United States.

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He further said that due to the above mentioned reasons, the relations between Pakistan and the United States have been suffering for some time now.

In response to a question about Pakistan's role in the fall of Kabul, Admiral Mullen said, "They certainly haven't done much to stop it."

"As US Army chief, I told Congress that Pakistani intelligence was active in Afghanistan, and I still think there are links between the two sides," he said.

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