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India: The woman who gave the contract to kill her husband escaped, the attacker was arrested

In the Indian city of Bhubaneswar, the woman who had given the contract for her husband murder escaped after the plan was not completed and ...

In the Indian city of Bhubaneswar, the woman who had given the contract for her husband murder escaped after the plan was not completed and the police have arrested the attacker.


Bhubaneswar, Indian city of Bhubaneswar, wife affair, the two, relationship with him, DCP Oma Shankar, the accused, Bar girl arrested, Silsala Behera, MAK NEWS-21,
Benayak Behera was attacked by two soldiers during a walk on Saturday evening — File Photo: Reuters

According to Indian media, the woman husband is a senior railway officer.

Benayak Behera was attacked by two soldiers during a walk on Saturday evening, leaving him critically injured. The suspects on a motorcycle hit him on the head with an iron pipe and fled. He was rushed to a nearby hospital.


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Benayak Behera has registered a case against another person including his wife Silsala Behera, driver Ashok Sahu. Police raided his apartment in the city and arrested Ashok Sahu, who is accused of being acquainted with the woman.

The police officer investigating the incident has revealed that the wife of a railway official had paid Rs 100,000 to the killers to kill him and the driver who is acquainted with the woman told about the conspiracy.

He said that once the wife of the complainant was arrested, the matter would become clearer.

Read more: India: Bar girl arrested

Police say the driver revealed that the woman had contracted to kill her husband after a relationship with him, but her husband is alive and in hospital.

When Benayak Behera came to know about his wife affair, there was a quarrel between the two. There was a bitter argument between the two, after which Behera paid the killers to kill her husband.

However, police say the woman and those who tried to kill her with money are still out of police custody.

Bhubaneswar DCP Oma Shankar told Indian media that "investigations are underway and efforts are being made to arrest the accused, including the woman".

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