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Nine people, including children, were killed in a fire in two villages in Dadu

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif expressed sorrow over the incident of fire in two villages in Meher Tehsil of Dadu District of Sindh where 9 p...

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif expressed sorrow over the incident of fire in two villages in Meher Tehsil of Dadu District of Sindh where 9 people including 6 children were killed and financial loss was incurred.


Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif , Meher Tehsil, Dadu District, Sindh where 9 people, Meher, NDMA, would take steps, According to media reports, Allah, MAKNEWS-21,
145 houses destroyed in Meher; photo: screen grab

According to the report of official news agency APP, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif expressed regret over the incident of fire in two villages in Meher tehsil of Dadu district.

The report said that nine people, including six children, were killed in a fire in Meher, to which the Prime Minister expressed deep sorrow and grief.

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif said that he expressed his heartfelt sympathy and condolences to the residents of the affected villages and the victims.

He said that the federal government would take steps for the relief of the victims and he would also talk to the provincial government of Sindh for the financial assistance of the victims.

The Prime Minister directed the NDMA and other concerned authorities to extend full assistance in rehabilitation of the affected families.

He prayed to Allah Almighty to give high status to the deceased and give courage to the bereaved families to bear the trauma.

According to media reports, nine people were killed and more than 145 houses were destroyed and 160 animals died in the fires in both the villages.

According to reports, rescue operations are underway after the incident.

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