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Umrah photos of Korean pop singer entering Islam go viral

Former South Korean pop singer Dawood Kim, who converted to Islam, is being praised after photos and videos of him receiving Umrah blessings...

Former South Korean pop singer Dawood Kim, who converted to Islam, is being praised after photos and videos of him receiving Umrah blessings went viral on social media.


@kimguilfoyle, #Islam, #Pop_Singer #Daud_Kim, @asadowaisi, @s_qamarzaman, @LadyVelvet_HFQ, After converting to Islam, Madinah and Makkah, Dawood Kim, MAKNEWS-21,
Congratulations to YouTuber on receiving the blessings of Umrah — Photo: Instagram

Dawood Kim real name was JK Kim and he was known as a pop singer until 2019, after which he left the religion of his ancestors and converted to Islam.

Dawood Kim converted to Islam in September 2019 and also released a video of his entry into the realm of Islam on YouTube.

After entering the realm of Islam, Dawood Kim was seen touring several Islamic countries, including visiting mosques, while also sharing videos on Islam and Muslim issues on YouTube.

Recently, Dawood arrived in Saudi Arabia to perform Kim Umrah and a few days ago, he also shared videos of visiting the holy places in Madinah and Makkah.

David Kim shared a video of himself receiving the blessings of Umrah and described himself as the luckiest person in the world to have the privilege of visiting holy places.

While Dawood Kim shared videos of the bliss of Umrah, he also shared photos of pilgrimages to the holy places, which went viral as soon as he saw them.

He was also praised on social media for sharing pictures of Dawood Kim performing Umrah and best wishes were extended to him.

Pakistani fans, including fans from all over the world, expressed their best wishes for the first Umrah after entering the realm of Islam.

Dawood Kim has been sharing content and blogs about Pakistan on his YouTube channel and last year during Ramadan he shared a video of Iftar with Pakistanis in South Korea, which was well received.

After converting to Islam, Dawood Kim quit singing and started working as a YouTuber.

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