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Sri Lanka: Approval to give employees additional leave for commodity production

The Sri Lankan government has allowed public sector workers to work four days a week to cope with severe fuel shortages, and to encourage th...

The Sri Lankan government has allowed public sector workers to work four days a week to cope with severe fuel shortages, and to encourage them to produce commodities. Is facing its worst financial crisis ever.

Sri Lankan, workers to work four days, foreign exchange, get petrol, Oil Crisis Serious, United Nations, Pakistan,  maknews-21,

According to the foreign news agency 'Reuters', more than one million people are employed in government agencies on the island of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka is plagued by a severe shortage of foreign exchange, which makes it difficult to pay for fuel, food and medicine imports.

Read more: 'We are dying' During the economic crisis in Sri Lanka, food-starved citizens bubble up

In a country with a population of 22 million, most people line up at stations to get petrol, while they also face prolonged power outages for months.

Sri Lanka's cabinet on Monday granted public sector workers a Friday off for the next three months as they have difficulty traveling due to fuel shortages, as well as being encouraged to farm. Is.

A statement from the government's information office said it was "appropriate" that government officials be given a day off to deal with the expected food shortages in their homes or elsewhere through agricultural activities.

Also read: The worst economic crisis in Sri Lanka's history

The United Nations warned last week that Sri Lanka was facing a humanitarian crisis, while the United Nations plans to provide 4 47 million to help more than one million vulnerable people.

Due to the depreciation of the currency, rising commodity prices in the world market and the ban on the use of chemical fertilizers, which has now been changed, food inflation in Sri Lanka was recorded at 57% in April.

The Sri Lankan government is negotiating a bailout package with the International Monetary Fund, whose delegation is expected to arrive in Colombo on June 20.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blankenship said after a telephone conversation with Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on Monday that the United States was ready to help.

Read more: Sri Lanka: Oil Crisis Serious, Prolonged Power Outage Announced

Anthony Blankenship said in a tweet that in times of economic and political challenge, the United States is ready to work with Sri Lanka in close contact with the IMF and the global community.

The Prime Minister of Sri Lanka said that Sri Lanka needs at least ارب 5 billion this month for necessary imports.

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