Actor Ushna Shah is sick and tired of being trolled on social media for her wedding. In a series of stories on Instagram, she said she is “b...
Actor Ushna Shah is sick and tired of being trolled on social media for her wedding. In a series of stories on Instagram, she said she is “bowing out of this narrative” and taking a few days off social media following the controversy.
“I apologised to AB [Lakhani] only to save him from trolling and I am getting mercilessly bullied,” she said, referring to an apology she posted and later deleted to a blogger whom she slammed on social media for bringing a photographer and drone to her wedding.
“I am disgusted and feel violated. AB Lakhany, of Moovyshoovy was invited out of obligation as I have known him for years and he happened to be at the office where we were designing invitations. His invite said strictly no plus one,” she wrote. “He was then sent a memo along with other guests to not record personal moments, especially the nikah. Not only did he bring a plus one, he brought a photographer without permission [and] lied to my family that I had allowed this. That photographer then sent exclusive unapproved photos to various [media] portals,” she wrote in a Instagram story that has since expired.
On Wednesday, she posted a conversation with the photographer in question, Saad Ansari Photography, in which he apologised and offered to delete the photos.
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