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Oxford University Announces Evaluation of Effects of Cod Types in Pregnant Women ! MAK NEWS-21

The University of Oxford in the United Kingdom has announced research into new strains of the corona virus and the effects of the covid vacc...

The University of Oxford in the United Kingdom has announced research into new strains of the corona virus and the effects of the covid vaccine on pregnant women and newborns.


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Earlier, a 2021 study by Oxford University found that pregnant women infected with COD 19 and their newborns after birth had a higher risk of complications such as premature birth and organ damage.

Researchers now say they want to assess the effects of new strains of the virus, such as Omekron, on the high-risk group because vaccination rates are so low in pregnant women.


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He said that the research done so far on the effects of Code 19 in pregnant women is insufficient.

He said that pregnant women were not even included in the vaccine trials due to which unscientific and terrifying rumors spread on a large scale.

The world's leading medical institutes say that cod vaccination is safe for pregnant women, while a US study in January 2022 found that vaccination increases the risk of premature birth or low birth weight in pregnant women. Does not grow

Data from the UK Health Security Agency in November 2021 showed that the Code 19 vaccine is safe for pregnant women and does not increase the risk of complications.

The new Oxford University study will include 1,500 pregnant women who became infected with code 18 during pregnancy and compared their findings with 3,000 women who were protected from the virus.

The study will run for four months, and researchers say the trial results could be out by May.

Earlier, in early February 2022, a study by the US National Institutes of Health found that pregnant women affected by COD 19 had a higher risk of developing common complications than others.

The study included more than 13,000 pregnant women being treated in 17 US hospitals, of whom 2,400 were diagnosed with cod.

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All women gave birth between March 1 and December 31, 2020, and the researchers compared the group of women who survived the disease with pregnant women who were exposed to cod.

The results showed that the risk of complications was significantly higher in women affected by COD than in women protected from cod.

The rate of serious complications was 26.1% in women experiencing moderate to severe severity of COD, compared to 9.2% in the other group.

Similarly, women affected by COD had a 45.4% chance of having a baby by operation, compared to 2.4% in the other group.

Premature birth rates were found to be 26.9% while in the other group it was 14.1%.

The stillbirth rate was 5%.

The researchers said that the results show the importance of vaccination for pregnant and lactating women.

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