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What is the virus that spreads in cattle? How much danger to humans? ! MAK NEWS-21

In Sindh, a skin disease called 'Lumpy Skin Disease' is spreading among cows, buffaloes, goats and other cattle, which is causing ...

In Sindh, a skin disease called 'Lumpy Skin Disease' is spreading among cows, buffaloes, goats and other cattle, which is causing a large number of cattle to fall ill and die.


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Citizens in other cities, including Karachi, are reluctant to consume beef because of the virus.

What is this disease?

Lumpy skin disease is actually an addictive skin disease and can be transmitted to cows, buffaloes and other livestock by blood-sucking insects, mosquitoes and flies.


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Suffering from this disease is painful boils and sores on the skin of the animal, the animal has fever, watery eyes, no appetite and avoids walking.

In addition, the animal's reproductive capacity and milk production are affected. Many animals do not show many symptoms of the disease, but in some cases it can be fatal.

As it is a contagious disease, there may be a shortage of meat, milk and other dairy products in the affected areas.


Lumpy scan disease virus

The virus can also be transmitted to animals by insect bites, flies and mosquitoes. The virus is very hardy and can survive for months in favorable environmental conditions. The virus can also be transmitted from one place to another with shoes and other agricultural implements.

History of the virus

The disease first appeared in South Africa in the 1970s and then spread to Turkey, Russia and China.

From 2019, it started spreading in India, Taiwan, Vietnam, while in 2021, the virus was found in animals of Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia and now the disease has reached Pakistan.

diseases from cattle to humans, how do germs spread from animals to humans, zoonotic diseases, how is covid-19 considered a zoonotic disease, types,

Danger to humans

Experts have differing opinions on the dangers posed to humans by the Lymphatic Skin Disease Virus (LSDV). Some experts say that the virus can infect humans directly and that a mosquito or insect can also be a source. The virus can enter the human body through the use of infected objects, infected people and other means. The virus can also cause skin diseases in humans.

On the other hand, some experts say that so far there is no concrete evidence that humans have been infected with Lumpy Skin Disease. Be done


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