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Bollywood: Saif has been told not to try to have a child at the age of 60, Kareena Kapoor

Bollywood babe Kareena Kapoor Khan has said that she has warned her husband Saif Ali Khan to come back and not try to become a father at the...

Bollywood babe Kareena Kapoor Khan has said that she has warned her husband Saif Ali Khan to come back and not try to become a father at the age of 60.


bollywood, Kareena Kapoor,  the age of 60, Kareena and Saif give, Saif Ali Khan, Vogue India, second child pregnancy, Saif house, Bollywood Bebo, maknews-21,
The couple had their second child last year; file photo: Facebook / Instagram

Saif Ali Khan is over 51 years old and his wife Kareena Kapoor is 41 years old, their age difference is 10 years.

They were married in 2012 and have had two children so far and Saif Ali Khan has four children in total.

Saif Ali Khan's first two children are Sara Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan. He got married for the first time in 1991 to actress Amrita Singh who was 13 years older than her husband.


bollywood, Kareena Kapoor,  the age of 60, Kareena and Saif give, Saif Ali Khan, Vogue India, second child pregnancy, Saif house, Bollywood Bebo, maknews-21,
Saif Ali Khan became the father of a fourth child at the age of 50. Photo: Instagram


Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh divorced in 2004, after which he married Kareena Kapoor.

In a recent interview with fashion magazine Vogue India, Kareena Kapoor spoke openly about the changes in her life after becoming a mother and said that when she gave birth to her first child in 2016, how much she was She was scared and now she is so satisfied.

In the same interview, he said that he is very careful about the health and care of the children, even now the room of his youngest son Jahangir Ali Khan is cleaned 10 times a day, Not allowed to enter.

She said that the news of the birth of her first child and her first pregnancy was published in the headlines in the media but she was more satisfied and calm with the happiness of the birth and pregnancy of the second child.

She said that although Corona was at home at the time of her second child pregnancy, she was still working.

In the same interview, she also talked about her husband's lifestyle as a father and praised Saif Ali Khan.

Also read: Kareena and Saif give birth to second son

According to him, Saif Ali Khan gave birth to one child every decade after puberty and there is a difference of 25 years between the age of his first child, Sara Ali Khan and his last child, Jahangir Ali Khan.

According to Bollywood Bebo, Saif Ali Khan first two children are young and his other two sons are also lucky to have a loving father.

bollywood, Kareena Kapoor,  the age of 60, Kareena and Saif give, Saif Ali Khan, Vogue India, second child pregnancy, Saif house, Bollywood Bebo, maknews-21


Praising her husband, she said that she gives equal love and affection to all the children and she has also warned them about her husband's love for children.

Kareena Kapoor smiled and said that she had warned her husband not to try to be a father at the age of 60 and to be patient now.

Read more: Birth of a son at Kareena and Saif house

Although Kareena Kapoor said that she had advised her husband not to have more children at the age of 60, she did not elaborate on her desire for children.

Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor had their first son Timur Ali Khan born in December 2016 while their second son Jahangir Ali Khan alias 'J' was born in February 2021.

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