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Iran claims to have seized two ships loaded with smuggled fuel

Iran Revolutionary Guards have said they have seized two ships illegally smuggling fuel from the country coastline along the Gulf and the Gu...

Iran Revolutionary Guards have said they have seized two ships illegally smuggling fuel from the country coastline along the Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.


the Gulf of Oman, Iran Revolutionary, official website, Strait of Hormuz, US accuses, Earlier last week, However, not elaborate, loaded with smuggled, MAKNEWS-21,
The total amount of smuggled fuel seized during the week was 650,000 liters - File Photo: AF

According to a report published in Dawn newspaper, Iran gets the cheapest fuel in the world due to heavy subsidies and low currency value.

As a result, the country is struggling to prevent its neighbors from smuggling fuel by land and Gulf Arab countries by sea.


Read also: Iran seizes ship and arrests 16 Malaysians

According to a statement on the Revolutionary Guards' official website, Revolutionary Guards units seized 2.5 million liters of smuggled fuel on one ship and 130,000 liters of fuel on the other.

Thus, the total quantity of smuggled fuel seized during the last one week was 650,000 liters.

A Revolutionary Guards official told state TV that seven crew members aboard the first ship had been arrested.

Read more: Iran seizes ship near Strait of Hormuz, US accuses

However, he did not elaborate, saying the detainees included Iranian nationals and foreigners.

Earlier last week, the Revolutionary Guards seized a foreign ship carrying 220,000 liters of smuggled fuel in the Gulf.

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