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Smartphones make it possible to diagnose diseases, including heart and eye diseases

Google, the world largest search engine and Internet technology company, has been working day and night to make human life easier, and now t...

Google, the world largest search engine and Internet technology company, has been working day and night to make human life easier, and now the same company has developed tools that will make disease screening possible.


'Google Health', help of smart mobiles, Under the program, creening for heart, eye, liver, make human life easier, stethoscope, provide healthcare, MAK NEWS-21,
Before Google, a company called Echo also developed digital devices; Photo: Echo

Google has unveiled a project called 'Google Health', under which any user can make an early diagnosis of diseases and medical problems from their smartphone.


According to Google, the company is running a pilot program to diagnose diseases with the help of smart mobiles, under which one lakh people have been screened so far.


Under the program, Google is screening 350 people daily under a smart phone, including screening for heart, eye, liver, lung and other diseases.


According to Google, with the help of smart mobile cameras and sensors, eye diabetes, including conjunctivitis, has been successfully diagnosed.

Under the trial program, digital state-of-the-art couples are being screened to listen to the heartbeat and translate it into medical language by connecting it to the sensor and camera of the smart phone.

According to Google, with the help of digital tools, anyone can record the heartbeat from their smartphone and send it to the recording doctor, while the features of the smartphone will be able to translate the heartbeat and tell the user that his heart. What is the problem with heartbeat?

Doctors around the world now diagnose diseases by listening to the sounds of the heart, lungs and internal organs in the traditional way using a stethoscope, but with the help of modern technology and tools people will be able to do it themselves.

Through Google Health, the company seeks to introduce disease screening tools using smartphones using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The results of screening for the disease through these tools will not be definitive, however, it is possible to determine the initial form or nature of the disease.

Google is conducting a pilot program of screening diseases through smartphones in different countries and it is too early to say how long the general public will be able to screen their diseases through these tools.

Before Google, many companies and organizations used Internet technology to provide healthcare facilities, treatment and diagnostic tools and instruments, such companies include Echo.

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