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Two more subtypes of Omecron have been revealed

The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed that its experts are monitoring two more new types of Omecron, which have so far affected ...

The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed that its experts are monitoring two more new types of Omecron, which have so far affected a few dozen people worldwide.


Omecron, XE, United Kingdom, India, Omecron, aforementioned subtypes, BA, BA.2, WHO, According to the agency, additional variations, According,World, MAKNEWS-21,
The new varieties are named BA Four and BA Five; Photo: Reuters

According to Reuters, the World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed in a statement that experts are working to determine if two more new types of omecron are more deadly.

According to the agency, "additional variations" and changes were observed in both the new suspicious variants of "Omicron", which is why they are being monitored.

It is too early to say how dangerous these two new species are.

There are currently more than half a dozen larger varieties of Corona, while several varieties of Omecron have emerged.

Also read: The first case report of Omicron XE in India

A previous study found that 53 mutations were discovered in the Omecron, which is a lot, before there were 2 dozen mutations in all Corona species.

The early modified variants of 'Omecron' were named by experts as BA.1 and BA.2, which also had BA.1.1 and BA.3, but now two more new subtypes are being developed by experts as BA. 4 and BA.5.

The two new subtypes are being considered as a continuation of BA One and BA Two.

In addition to the aforementioned subtypes, the new type of Omecron, XE, has also been seen spreading in many countries, including the United Kingdom and India, while several subtypes of Corona have emerged in other countries, including Israel.

Experts say that viruses keep changing, their subtypes keep coming and then after long changes viruses lose their usefulness.

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