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Johnny Depp has won a defamation suit against his ex-wife Amber Heard

 A US court has fined actress Amber Heard Rs 15 million in a defamation case and ruled that actress Amber Heard had defamed her ex-husband J...

 A US court has fined actress Amber Heard Rs 15 million in a defamation case and ruled that actress Amber Heard had defamed her ex-husband Johnny Depp in the lawsuit.

Johnny Depp, has won a defamation suit against his ex-wife Amber Heard, USA, exhusband, defamation, public, similar, Depp, sixweek, wife killer, big, maknews-21,

According to a report by the foreign news agency 'Reuters', clear, graphic evidence and details of the former Hollywood couple's bad relationship were presented during the trial.

A Virginia court has ruled in favor of Umbert Heard in some aspects of the counterclaim against Johnny Depp.

The court ordered Umbert Hurd to pay کروڑ 15 million in damages to Johnny Depp, while the panel also fined Johnny Depp 20 2 million.

Read more: Defamation Case: Amber Heard's Statements Complete

Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp, 58, had filed a 50 million lawsuit alleging that Umbred Heard had defamed Johnny Depp as a "public figure representing domestic abuse" in a newspaper report. ۔

In a counter-lawsuit against Johnny Depp for کروڑ 100 million in damages, Umbert Heard said that when Johnny Depp's lawyer called his allegations "fake," Johnny Depp defamed him.

Johnny Depp has denied the allegations in a statement issued Friday stating "Similar, baseless allegations concerning Umm Hurd's case have been made more than once.

Johnny Depp and Umbert Heard met in 2011 during the shooting of The Rum Diary. They were married in 2015 and divorced two years later.

The lawsuit was settled out of court in December 2018 with a commentary by the Washington Post on domestic violence, which did not include Johnny Depp's name, but his lawyer did. It clearly refers to Johnny Depp.

Read also: Defamation case: Amber Heard suffers from mental illness, court informed

During the six-week hearing, the attorney for Umbert Heard argued that he had told the truth that his remarks under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution cover freedom of expression.

During the hearing, the court heard recordings of the couple arguing and saw a graphic image of Depp's bloody finger, which Johnny Depp said injured his finger when Amber Hurd threw a bottle of vodka at him in 2015.

Emberd Heard denied allegations that Depp had sexually assaulted him while intoxicated.

He said Johnny Depp tortured him for defending his sister.

The hearing was widely broadcast live on social media, with a large audience paying attention to the details of the couple's troubled relationship.

Also read: Defamation Case: Johnny Depp's Affidavit Completed

Johnny Depp, one of Hollywood's most famous stars, has said that he has paid the price for 'everything' on the allegations of Umbrid Hurd. While Harry Potter was spinned off.

Johnny Depp lost a defamation suit less than two years ago, after which a British newspaper labeled him a "wife killer."

A London High Court judge has ruled that Johnny Depp repeatedly attacked Umbred Herd.

Depp's lawyers filed the lawsuit in Fairfax County, Virginia, because the Washington Post is based there, but the newspaper was not named in the lawsuit.

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