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Telegram ready to introduce additional features in exchange for money

Powell Drew, chief executive officer (CEO) of Telegram, WhatsApp ticker instant messaging application, has confirmed that his company will s...

Powell Drew, chief executive officer (CEO) of Telegram, WhatsApp ticker instant messaging application, has confirmed that his company will soon be introducing Telegram Premium.

According to TechCrunch, the CEO of Telegram stated in his blog post that his application will soon start offering paid service.

For the past two years, there have been rumors that Telegram will soon start offering paid services, and last month saw an increase in such rumors.

Although the number of Telegram users is less than that of WhatsApp, the number of Telegram users has been steadily increasing over the last few years and it is gaining popularity due to its interesting features.

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WhatsApp has also recently introduced a number of new and exciting features in the telegram distribution cycle, but now Telegram has announced that people will have access to more new features in exchange for money.

Also read: Humorous comments on Telegram's WhatsApp

According to the company's CEO, due to rising inflation and the number of customers, Telegram is facing difficulties, which is why it has been decided to start providing services in exchange for money.

He clarified that 'Telegram Premium' will be optional and any user who does not want to use it will continue to use the free application service.

However, he said that under Telegram Premium, users will be given access to many improved and new features, including the feature of sending video, audio and document files up to 4 GB.

In addition to premium subscribers, many new features will be provided in addition to the feature of replying to messages.

Users who use the service for a fee will be able to download files with high speed and share them with others.

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Is.

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