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United States: Gunmen open fire on Philadelphia highway, killing 3

At least three people were killed and 11 others were injured when gunmen opened fire on a crowd in the American city of Philadelphia. Accord...

At least three people were killed and 11 others were injured when gunmen opened fire on a crowd in the American city of Philadelphia.

United States, Gunmen open fire on Philadelphia highway, killing 3, Philadelphia, Sikh, world big news,  usa, better, local media, afp, shooter, maknews-21,

According to the foreign news agency AFP, Inspector DF Peace told local media that two men and a woman were killed in the shooting. are present.

Read more: US: Sikh community protests over 4 killed in firing incident

Hundreds of people gather and enjoy each weekend on Philadelphia's famous South Highway, the DFP said.

He said the police officer returned fire on the shooter, but it was not clear if the man had been shot.

No arrests have been made so far, local media said.

Read also: USA: 6 killed in California shooting

DFP said guns were recovered from the scene and police would have to wait until morning to review surveillance footage from nearby business centers as shops closed late at night.

DF Peace called the investigation "better" and said there were still "many unanswered questions".

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