The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson has announced his resignation from the Conservative Party leadership and the Prime Mi...
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson has announced his resignation from the Conservative Party leadership and the Prime Minister's Office following the escalation of political crisis in the country.
Boris Johnson confirmed his resignation at a news conference in London, saying "the process of electing a new leader must begin now."
He said it was now clear that the Conservative parliamentary party would have to elect a new leader so that a new prime minister could be elected.
"I have formed a new cabinet because I will continue to work until a new prime minister is elected," Johnson said.
Conservative Deputy Chairman Justin Tom Linson said on Twitter that his resignation was inevitable, adding that as a party we need to be united and focus on issues.
"In many ways, these are important conditions for us," he said.
The Conservative Party will now have to choose a new leader, a process that could take weeks and months.
Earlier, it was reported that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to resign today as the political crisis intensifies in Britain and he will issue a statement in this regard.
Reuters reports that Chris Mason, the BBC's political editor, said on social networking site Twitter that Boris Johnson would also resign as head of the Conservative Party. ۔
Read more: Two key British ministers resign, Boris Johnson's government threatens to end
It should be noted that Boris Johnson has been under pressure to resign for the past few days and despite the resignations of key ministers and the demands of the people and the opposition, he has refused to resign.
The man he had appointed as finance minister two days earlier had advised him on Thursday to resign.
Secretary of Defense Ben Wells has called for Johnson to resign, but also reiterated his commitment to maintaining his position in the country.
Harry Cole, political editor of The Sun, said Boris Johnson wanted to remain prime minister until a new head of state was elected, a process that would take two months.
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After the resignations of eight ministers, including two secretaries of state, in the last few hours, it has become inevitable for Boris Johnson to resign, and he will make an announcement soon.
The British Prime Minister, who has been battling various scandals for months, is now left alone and now his allies have left him and are reluctant to support him.
Conservative Deputy Chairman Justin Tomlinson said on Twitter that his resignation was inevitable. "As a party, we must unite immediately and focus on what is important. This is a serious time on many fronts." ۔
The Conservative Party will now have to choose a new leader, a process that could take about two months.
Boris Johnson's support is rapidly waning in the most tumultuous 24 hours of recent British political history, and Nadeem Zhawi, who took over as finance minister on Tuesday, has demanded the resignation of his boss.
Read more: Boris Johnson apologizes for holding party during lockdown
"It's not going to last long and it's going to get worse over time. You have to take the right step for the Conservative Party and above all for the country, and you have to go now," he said on Twitter. ۔
Some incumbents, including Defense Minister Ben Wallace, have said they are doing so simply because it is their responsibility to keep the country safe.
Government affairs have been paralyzed by the resignations of so many ministers.
Boris Johnson, who came to power almost three years ago, has vowed to secede from Britain's secession from the European Union and the post-Bridget referendum in 2016.
Since then, some in the Conservative Party have enthusiastically backed the former journalist and mayor of London, while others have backed him despite reservations because he could get the votes of voters who would normally vote for him. Rejected the party.
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This was also evident in the December 2019 elections, but his administration often faced chaos to govern and the continuation of scandals affected the reputation of many of his MPs, while opinion polls also show that It so happens that they are no longer widely popular.
The recent crisis began when lawmaker Chris Puncher, who played a government role in caring for pastors, was forced to resign over allegations that he caught men in a private member's club.
Boris Johnson gave Christopher Puncher, a member of parliament who had recently been accused of sexual harassment, a key ministry post and later apologized for handing over the post to him, saying he had forgotten about it. Key ministers resigned immediately.
Scandals such as the subsequent violation of Code-19 lockdown at the party at the Downing Street residence and the fines imposed by the police on his 56th birthday party also badly damaged his government's reputation.
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