Indian cricketer KL Rahul and Bollywood actor Athiya Shetty tied the knot in an intimate ceremony on Monday, January 23. The duo got married in the presence of close family members and friends, at Athiya's actor father Suniel Shetty's farmhouse in Khandala, which is located about 82 km from Mumbai. The newly married couple took to Instagram to share pictures from the wedding ceremony.
"In your light, I learn how to love…" Today, with our most loved ones, we got married in the home that's given us immense joy and serenity. With a heart full of gratitude and love, we seek your blessings on this journey of togetherness," they wrote on their respective social media handles.
Pakistani all-rounder Shadab Khan had a low-key wedding with Saqlain Mushtaq's daughter on January 23. The 24-year-old cricketer avoided the media limelight and requested privacy for his big day. He posted a tweet with a statement informing supporters of a significant change in his life. "Alhamdulilah, today was my Nikkah. It is a big day in my life and start of a new chapter. Please respect my choices and those [of my] wife, and our families. Prayers and love for all." Shadab did not share any images of the wedding.
Cricketer Shan Masood and his bride Nische Khan wrapped up their wedding festivities with a grand reception in Karachi on Friday night. Hosting the who's who of Pakistani cricket, the evening witnessed Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Management Committee Chairman Najam Sethi, Sarfaraz Ahmed, and Fawad Alam, among other cricketers and notable personalities, in attendance.
Pakistan batter Shan Masood married fiancée Nische Khan in an intimate ceremony in Peshawar on January 20. Pictures and videos from Masood's wedding had gone viral on social media platforms. As the ceremony took place, 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran was played to match the mood of the occasion. As per reports, Shahid Afridi and all-rounder Shadab Khan attended the wedding. Number of cricketers and teammates wished him on his big day.
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