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Shawwal moon has not been seen in most of the countries of South Asia including India

New Delhi: Shawwal moon has not been seen in most of the countries of South Asia. Thirty days will be completed in India, Bangladesh and Sri...

New Delhi: Shawwal moon has not been seen in most of the countries of South Asia. Thirty days will be completed in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and Eid will be celebrated on May 3.


Middle Eastern, Shawwal moon, South Asia including India, the countries, 30 days, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, new moon, big news, MAKNEWS-21,

According to the details, 30 days of fasting have been completed in Middle Eastern countries, Eid will be celebrated there on Monday. Eid has been declared.


Eid will also be celebrated on Monday in Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Singapore and Australia. Eid was celebrated in Afghanistan where the sighting of the new moon was announced yesterday.

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